It all started when we went into lockdown back in 2020. I found myself going down the YouTube rabbit hole, when I stumbled across clips of one of the OG's of soap making.  And it went on and on… the varieties of colors and scents were just mind blowing (at least to me at the time).

That's when I said it was time for a change in my life. While I was good at my job, I did not love it. I had always been interested in chemistry, and soap making seemed like a fun and creative way to apply my skills.

I did a LOT research and found that there are many different ways to make soap. I decided on cold process soap making, which is a more traditional method that involves combining oils and lye to create a chemical reaction called saponification. 

I was excited to get started, but I also knew that it would be a challenge. I had never worked with lye before, and I was worried about making a mistake. But I took my time, Taking notes of what worked and what did not.  I was thrilled when my first batch of soap turned out perfectly.

I was hooked! I started experimenting with different oils and fragrances, and I soon developed my own signature recipes. I gave my soap to friends and family, and they all loved it. Encouraged by their feedback, I decided to start selling my soap online.

I called my business Suddenly Soap, because that's how I felt when I first started making soap. I was suddenly passionate about something new, and I couldn't wait to share my creations with the world.

My business has been growing steadily since I started it, and I'm so grateful for the support of my customers. I love making soap, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for Suddenly Soap.

